(sk) Vyjadrenie filmárov k zavádzajúcej argumentácii MKSR a SNS k zákonu o Slovenskej televízii a rozhlase
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CEE Animation Masterclass 2024: How to Create Captivating Content for Young Audience?

We are delighted to invite you to the 7th edition of CEE Animation Masterclass, an educational event for film professionals and students working in animation. The Masterclass, subtitled Creating Captivating Content for Young Audiences, will take place on March 13. and 14. 2024, at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts […]
The young talented animator learned from the best on Young Horizons Industry program

In October 2023, the emerging talent Timotej Lukovič took part in the 3-day Young Horizons Industry program held in Warsaw. The program was part of the Young Horizons festival, an international film festival focused on young audience. This year, the Young Horizons Industry program was attended by young filmmakers from the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, […]
3rd module of the CEE Animation Workshop took place in Bratislava

The third module of the 5th edition of the CEE Animation Workshop took place in Bratislava, Slovakia, from 7 till 13 August 2023. The fifth generation brought together 30 international animation professionals, who were working on their projects under the guidance of renowned international tutors in Bratislava for one week, preparing their projects to access the market.

The sixth edition of the CEE Animation Masterclass, the educational programme for film professionals and students working in animation, will take place on 15 and 16 March 2023 at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. The lecturers will talk about How to Build a Professional Career in Animation. The […]
CEEA Masterclass: Priestor v animovanom filme

Milí kolegovia a priatelia, s radosťou Vás pozývame na tohtoročný CEE Animation Masterclass s podtitulom Priestor v animovanom filme, ktorý sa uskutoční 21. a 22. apríla 2022 v priestoroch Filmovej a televíznej fakulty Vysokej školy múzických umení v Bratislave. V centre pozornosti bude výnimočný počin – celovečerný animovaný film Myši patria do neba (rež. Jan […]
NA ZAČIATKU CESTY: Prezentácia projektov a scenáristický workshop

Prezentácia projektov a scenáristický workshop v spolupráci Asociácie producentov animovaného filmu a FTF VŠMU. Scenáristický workshop povedú experti: Anna Vášová, Peter Nagy. Podujatie sa koná v slovenskom jazyku.
Lecture: The Beginning of the Journey. First Steps of Animation Film with Poliektova Sisters

The Poliektova sisters will speak about transforming the initial idea of a story into a film, about the process of initial artwork, visuals and storyboarding. What are the important questions in the story and how can we create the main character?
Case Study: From Cartoon to Digital Game

How can we adapt an animated film project for the game industry?
Read more about forthcoming online event organized by CEE animation!

WE ARE VERY SORRY TO ANNOUNCE, THAT DUE TO THE CURRENT SITUATION REGARDING COVID-19 IN SLOVAKIA, OUR MASTERCLASS WAS CANCELLED. WE BELIEVE, INFORMATION ABOUT NEW DATES WILL BE RELEASED SOON! With the CEEA MASTERCLASS the Slovak Association of Producers of Animated Film (APAF) presents an exciting opportunity to receive training and meet internationally-renowned animated film professionals […]